1 module libpng.pngconf;
2 /* pngconf.h - machine configurable file for libpng
3  *
4  * libpng version 1.6.17, March 26, 2015
5  *
6  * Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
7  * (Version 0.96 Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger)
8  * (Version 0.88 Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.)
9  *
10  * This code is released under the libpng license.
11  * For conditions of distribution and use, see the disclaimer
12  * and license in png.h
13  *
14  * Any machine specific code is near the front of this file, so if you
15  * are configuring libpng for a machine, you may want to read the section
16  * starting here down to where it starts to typedef png_color, png_text,
17  * and png_info.
18  */
20 public:
22 /* For png_FILE_p - this provides the standard definition of a
23  * FILE
24  */
25 import core.stdc.stdio : FILE;
27 /* Some typedefs to get us started.  These should be safe on most of the common
28 * platforms.
29 *
30 * png_uint_32 and png_int_32 may, currently, be larger than required to hold a
31 * 32-bit value however this is not normally advisable.
32 *
33 * png_uint_16 and png_int_16 should always be two bytes in size - this is
34 * verified at library build time.
35 *
36 * png_byte must always be one byte in size.
37 *
38 * The checks below use constants from limits.h, as defined by the ISOC90
39 * standard.
40 */
42 alias png_uint_32   = uint;
43 alias png_int_32    = int;
44 alias png_uint_16   = ushort;
45 alias png_int_16    = short;
46 alias png_byte      = ubyte;
48 alias png_size_t    = size_t;
49 alias png_ptrdiff_t = ptrdiff_t;
50 //#define png_sizeof(x) (sizeof (x))
53 /* png_alloc_size_t is guaranteed to be no smaller than png_size_t, and no
54 * smaller than png_uint_32.  Casts from png_size_t or png_uint_32 to
55 * png_alloc_size_t are not necessary; in fact, it is recommended not to use
56 * them at all so that the compiler can complain when something turns out to be
57 * problematic.
58 *
59 * Casts in the other direction (from png_alloc_size_t to png_size_t or
60 * png_uint_32) should be explicitly applied; however, we do not expect to
61 * encounter practical situations that require such conversions.
62 *
63 * PNG_SMALL_SIZE_T must be defined if the maximum value of size_t is less than
64 * 4294967295 - i.e. less than the maximum value of png_uint_32.
65 */
66 alias png_alloc_size_t = png_size_t;
69 /* Prior to 1.6.0 libpng offered limited support for Microsoft C compiler
70 * implementations of Intel CPU specific support of user-mode segmented address
71 * spaces, where 16-bit pointers address more than 65536 bytes of memory using
72 * separate 'segment' registers.  The implementation requires two different
73 * types of pointer (only one of which includes the segment value.)
74 *
75 * If required this support is available in version 1.2 of libpng and may be
76 * available in versions through 1.5, although the correctness of the code has
77 * not been verified recently.
78 */
81 /* Typedef for floating-point numbers that are converted
82  * to fixed-point with a multiple of 100,000, e.g., gamma
83  */
84 alias png_fixed_point = png_int_32;
86 /* Add typedefs for pointers */
87 alias png_voidp                 = void                   *;
88 alias png_const_voidp           = const(void)            *;
89 alias png_bytep                 = png_byte               *;
90 alias png_const_bytep           = const(png_byte)        *;
91 alias png_uint_32p              = png_uint_32            *;
92 alias png_const_uint_32p        = const(png_uint_32)     *;
93 alias png_int_32p               = png_int_32             *;
94 alias png_const_int_32p         = const(png_int_32)      *;
95 alias png_uint_16p              = png_uint_16            *;
96 alias png_const_uint_16p        = const(png_uint_16)     *;
97 alias png_int_16p               = png_int_16             *;
98 alias png_const_int_16p         = const(png_int_16)      *;
99 alias png_charp                 = char                   *;
100 alias png_const_charp           = const(char)            *;
101 alias png_fixed_point_p         = png_fixed_point        *;
102 alias png_const_fixed_point_p   = const(png_fixed_point) *;
103 alias png_size_tp               = png_size_t             *;
104 alias png_const_size_tp         = const(png_size_t)      *;
108 alias png_FILE_p                = FILE              *;
110 alias png_doublep               = double            *;
111 alias png_const_doublep         = const(double)     *;
113 /* Pointers to pointers; i.e. arrays */
114 alias png_bytepp                = png_byte        * *;
115 alias png_uint_32pp             = png_uint_32     * *;
116 alias png_int_32pp              = png_int_32      * *;
117 alias png_uint_16pp             = png_uint_16     * *;
118 alias png_int_16pp              = png_int_16      * *;
119 alias png_const_charpp          = const(char)     * *;
120 alias png_charpp                = char            * *;
121 alias png_fixed_point_pp        = png_fixed_point * *;
122 alias png_doublepp              = double          * *;
124 /* Pointers to pointers to pointers; i.e., pointer to array */
125 alias png_charppp               = char            * * *;